What is a restaurateur ?  

Posted by IvanLau

Frankly, I had no idea what's a restaurateur . Does this word even exists in the first place ?
Is it a word merely coined by flashy celebrity chefs who would rather be recognized as a restaurateur rather than a restaurant manager ?

According to the ever reliable and accurate Wikipedia :
"A restaurant owner is called a restaurateur; both words derive from the French verb restaurer, meaning to restore. "

Ah ha. That's the difference. A restaurateur owns it. A restaurant manager runs it. Simple enough to understand. ?

For me, I'm kind of both. A partial restaurateur as the restaurant was built on a partnership and as a restaurant manager who oversees the restaurant operation.

I just love how French words seems so classy,sexy and flamboyant.

My 1st POST. I'm excited....  

Posted by IvanLau

Well well well, finally.

My first post as a blogger. Can you believe it, being in the IT Programming industry for about 9 years, this is my first post. Yes, I am excited !
I was never into blogging. I have a few friends who are writing their hearts out in their blog and sometimes it makes you wonder, why do they need to tell this things that happened to their lives to others ?
What happened to good old diaries which people usually write on and keep it under their bed or inside a very-secured-locked drawer ?

That's the KEY. People want to share their live experience. What sweet, bitter, humorous and painful experience someone has gone thru. In this new age of information, more and more people would just like to write and write and write and write......

And that thought had let me to write....also.
A legacy if you will.

I believe they are many many people out there who aspire to own a restaurant biz. I am one of them. Let me tell you this, the food industry is T-O-U-G-H.

So welcome to my new WORLD.